2 Down the Lane

2 Down the Lane

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I am back again…….

I know it has been a long time since I have written. Well, actually a year.  I didn’t think it would take me this long to determine that as much as I once loved to set the table—decorate—sew new pillows—try new recipes---the whole homemaker thing—that it is not what I want to write about all the time. 

Oh, that is not to say that I don’t want my house pretty and every thing in it’s place.  I will tell you though that going from 6000 square feet to 3200 square feet has been an experience.  On top of that—I had to give up  or sell, or send to  Goodwill or Habitat or give away  a lot of things that were very dear to me.  My children didn’t want it—my sister took some---which is great because I know I can have it back if I want it---but, I don’t want it….I don’t even like going to yard sales as much as I did.  And, believe it or not—I honestly don’t remember the last time I went to Goodwill.   Now, I go to yard sales and look for art supplies and items for my two step-daughters (I should say friends – because they are). 

So, why have I started up the blog again? 

I am going to share my art with you—My journal entries—the good paintings and the bad.  New things I have tried and hopefully, through this we will learn together.  That is where my life is leading me---not setting tables with 1000’s of dishes---but drawing and painting—sewing and knitting and crocheting.   And oh my goodness, PINTEREST!!!  I am so hooked. 

I will take pictures of places we go and funky things that I think are fun.  I want to make the blog-my blog---not a copy of what I think you might want to read but my blog will be what is interesting to me when I sit down to write.  So, please comment.  Tell me if you have been somewhere that would be fun to paint or if you know of a place to go to get great photographs.  I am still going to cook and share recipes.    I am going to make jewelry.  I don’t even know what I am going to do but I hope you will be there with me. 

So, I am going to try, again.  Thanks for putting up with this quirky old lady. 


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